Funniest Homophobic Dog Memes On The Internet

Memes are the most exciting part of social media, which lets people share stomach-aching funny posts. Similarly, memes, specifically homophobic dog memes, are a skeptical part of it.

Some people like to pull people’s legs by saying, are you gay? Ohh, you are gay. However, there is no limit to the creative memes you will find when it comes to the internet.

Some people might take the gay word as an insult, is being homophobic wrong? What do you think? Thinking may not get you to a conclusion, but it surely will make you laugh at some stupid things people do.

Something you should know before moving to memes:

No dogs were harmed during the making of these memes, lol. Even some dogs make strong homophobic comments that people are laughing at today.

Dude, nothing else is funnier than dogs passing subjective comments on gay people while giving some hilarious expressions.

Wanna see some of the funniest homophobic dog memes on the internet?

So let’s not waste time and directly move toward the memes on your list.

1. Why can’t you be normal

We have this gentle dog asking people, why can’t you be normal? Tell him why you are not normal. Imagine waking beside your dog who’s asking why you are gay. What will you say?

You would have nothing to say except run, bro; your dog spoke words instead of barking.

2. Nice looking

This homophobic dog meme has a dog who looks suspiciously toward its owner. Hmmm, he might have seen something we all haven’t. What could it be?

On the other hand, you can see, due to the online attention, the dog has to face peer pressure and tell his opinion on gay people; where are animal cruelty prevention organizations? We definitely need one.

3. Whoa that’s a little bit too

Need some of the funniest homophobic dog memes to use in chatting? Well, here this is the perfect one. If your friend behaves or acts differently, this one will set them to their normal behavior.

Use it at your own risk; friends don’t come with a warranty claim, LAMAO.

4. Just my opinion

Giving an opinion on something publicly always comes with consequences. This dog on the funniest dog meme has gone through the trauma of giving an opinion. Look at him now telling people it was my opinion.

Stuck between people disliking your opinion on gay people? Then, use this meme to tell them everyone has an opinion.

5. I know what are you

We all know who you are; do you know people’s actions speak for themselves? Exactly that’s how even this dog knows what you are. Hahaha, this homophobic dog meme hits hard when you use it correctly.

Tell someone you know a secret about them and send them this meme. Then, imagine the person you send this meme to; revert with, are you also gay?

6. It’s a choice

Everybody has choices in life; the only difference is that some people make sensible choices while others do not. Being gay is also a choice that might be sensible or might not.

Look how responsibly this dog is telling that it’s everybody’s choice; aww, isn’t it cute?

7. Relationship

Even humans are in confusion and still ask who is the husband in the relationship. So why won’t this dog not have confusion? Like any relative or neighbor, this dog also has the right to ask these questions.

Give him the correct answer or suffer from his paw attack.

8. You put what in your butt

LAMFO, we are sure you would have been laughing hard on this one. Doing something like this may not be ideal; that may creep many people out.

Similarly, this dog is also expressing the same feeling and asking you did what? The funniest dog memes like these are always amazing to share with friends.

9. what if I’m gay

Are you feeling gay today? While this dog definitely is feeling gay, hahaha. What got this dog to feel like he is gay? What has he done? He looks so guilty, maybe for doing something he shouldn’t have.

Such feelings can be depressing; try to put yourself in this dog’s situation and think. Or is there any ethical way of knowing you are gay? If there is then use, it might come to help.

10. Adam and steve

This one is the classic funniest homophobic dog meme you won’t stop laughing at. Almost everybody knows who adam and eve were, but no one knows who adam and steve were.

Even this dog got more knowledge, and now he is spreading it overseas to help people. So watch out; he might come to you with wisdom telling what was and was not.

11. that’s a bit suspicious

These are the reactions your dog will have when he sees what you do at home and who you bring. We call this a multipurpose meme; you can use it in multiple scenarios. Doubt your homie? Use this to let them know you know about their activities.

12. gay is ok

Is accepting “gay is ok” crime? If it is, look at this dog; his only crime is acceptance. Would you punish him for this? If you would, what would be the punishment?

Being gay is okay until you start flirting with friends who are gay. So many people suspect that this dog is also gay, LOL. Poor doggo has to face such huge allegations. Does he deserve this? #justic for doggo the gay dog.

13. It just isn’t natural

Who said dogs don’t have feelings? Look at this homophobic dog meme even the dog in the meme knows what’s natural and what’s not. Why don’t you know what’s natural?

Memes like these can help you say what you usually can’t. People may have different perceptions, but almost everyone laughs at something this funny. If you are gay or not, this funny dog meme will make you think you are.

14. Are they gone yet

This dog hides in the box for a month just to escape that month where everyone looks like they are gay. Fear of becoming gay or what? What could be the reason for a dog to stay in the box?

Whatever it may be, the dog is now safe and enjoying his other months of freedom.

15. You think I’m homophobic

Look at this hilarious homophobic dog meme showing how homophobic the dog is. Not employing hot dogs in your office might leave you with these remarks; be careful. This Hilarious meme went crazy viral on social media handles like Instagram and Facebook, as people find it super amusing that a dog is talking about a hotdog.

Some people say that dog even looks homophobic. Does this innocent being look guilty to you?

Life can be uncertain; you never know when people might label you as gay for doing
uncommon things. So how to prevent it? Simply use this meme as your reply.

16. Why do you sound like a girl

Try not to laugh at this funniest homophobic dog meme. Using this meme in chat may get your friends angry on saying they sound like a girl.

Therefore, use it with your homies only. Moving on, see the dog’s smile in the meme; it’s even funnier. People be gay sometimes, so telling them they sound like one with this meme would be more comical.

17. Fond of gays

Are you searching for people who are gay? Use this meme in a group chat and see how the tables turn.

Everybody in the group will be targeting and laughing at your meme while having fun, and you may even find a gay friend, LOL.

This homophobic dog meme has a dog who certainly is looking far behind looking for gays. But, as you can see in this meme, his affection for other homophobic people is a genuine one lookout; he might be fond of you.

18. But how will I explain it to my kids

Every gay has this problem; wait, how did they have kids? No, no, don’t even try to think and ask every gay you meet about this. How will they tell it to their kids?

This meme is genuinely a homophobic dog meme most of you may have your own opinion about. Some things in life can’t be avoided; one of them is what you see in this meme.

19. It’s not what it looks like

Sometimes your eyes can deceive you but not when you are sober. Surprisingly, this dog is caught by owners when they are sober. Now the dog is justifying his situation to prove he is not guilty.

Guessing what it was that the dog did? Unfortunately, we will never know what he did to get into such trouble.

20. just don’t hit on me

Last but not least, this is the funniest dog meme that most of you would relate to. Imagine having a friend for years, and suddenly he comes and says he is gay.

Now you have two options: leave him, which is not ideal, or say not to hit on you to him. What will you choose? The whole scenario itself could be serious yet funny.

See the dog’s expression and imagine the scenario you would have the same expression on your face.


People can get a little too overboard while making homophobic dog memes. But when there are dogs in the meme, it suddenly becomes funnier and more acceptable.

Such versatile memes can make you questions many homophobic things while enjoying the meme. But, of course, creating these types of memes will require you to have humor.
Humor can be subjective, so you might like some meme or may not.

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